Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sea World

Sea World

by Liam Beard
Age 5
Pencil and Photoshop

The blue whale has red eyes, and the crab has no eyes. The shark has really sharp teeth and the jellyfish can sting really bad. The fish looks weird and the sea monster is really dangerous. A guy is diving in to get hurt. It is the really deep sea. 

There is a really, really hot sun and large waves. There is fun sand in the sea.  


  1. nice (long) explanation

  2. Liam it's hard to believe your only five and you made this incredible picture. It says so much about it which makes you very smart and artistic. I love the deep sea as I'm a diver. I've seen some of your incredible sea creatures. Thank you for making this. Big Smiles. Love your Aunt Penny
